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The chancellors of the University of California's Berkeley and Santa Cruz campuses, and the chief academic officer of the system, on Friday endorsed the idea of dropping the SAT or ACT as an admissions requirement.
The Los Angeles Times reported that the comments were made in an admissions forum and in an interview with the Times.
Carol Christ, chancellor of Berkeley, said that research convinced her that family income plays too large a role in influencing who does well on the tests.
“They really contribute to the inequities of our system,” Christ said.
Their opinions, while important, may not dictate whether UC drops the SAT and the ACT. A faculty committee is currently studying the issue.
Finlandia University has announced that it is going test optional for all students except for international students and homeschooled students.
“This is part of Finlandia’s continued efforts to make higher education accessible to all who wish to pursue a degree,” said Erin Barnett, the dean of students.