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A university athletic coach and a former accountant pleaded guilty in federal court to charges against them.

Ali Khosroshahin, formerly the head coach of the University of Southern California women's soccer team, pleaded guilty to conspiracy to commit racketeering. Prosecutors said that during his six years as head coach, from 2006 to 2013, four students were admitted who never played competitive soccer. He allegedly took more than $200,000 in bribes. Khosroshahin, who is cooperating with the government, will receive prosecutors' recommendation for a sentence at the "low" end of the guidelines.

Steven Masera, a former accountant and financial officer for the Edge College & Career Network and the Key Worldwide Foundation, pleaded guilty to conspiracy to commit racketeering. The government said it would seek the low end in sentencing for him. Masera is cooperating with the government. He had claimed to run a charity for low-income children -- but most of those children didn't exist.

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