Need Advice on Campus Conflict? Call the Help Desk.

The American Association of Colleges and Universities has launched a resource to advise educators on how to tone down vitriol and foster constructive dialogue.

Burnout of Administrative Staff Risks ‘Destabilizing’ Colleges

Research study finds staff members are regularly overworked, resulting in unsustainable model.

Campus Engagement Tip: Providing Participation Incentives

Colleges and universities can utilize strategies that reward student participation in campus events and activities, while also promoting life and career skills.

Funding Student Success: Expanding Transfer From California to HBCUs

A recent bill in California provides $5,000 in grant funding for any community college student who attends a historically Black college or university but plans to return to the state. The initiative is one way the state looks to support Black students’ success.

Quick Takes



Sending the Wrong Message to Students on AI

A new student guide to AI is emblematic of an approach that prioritizes career advantage over deeper questions, George Cusack writes.

To Restore Trust, End Legacy Admissions

Ronald Daniels and Tom Stritikus write that ending legacy preferences is a first step in repairing trust in higher ed.


3 Questions for 4 Colleagues at HarvardX

A conversation about the motivations and impact for some of the open online courses developed by Harvard.

The Rise of the Self

How individualism transformed Western societies.

Career Advice

Overcoming the Digital Divide With No Digital

Carrie Rogers-Whitehead shares the challenges faculty members can encounter teaching classes in prisons that have few, if any, basic technological tools.

Making the Most of Individual Development Plans

They can be used for promoting communication, collaboration and growth within research groups, write Jacob J. Ryder, C. K. Gunsalus, Elizabeth A. Luckman, Jacob A. Brown, Nicholas C. Burbules and Julia Briskin.


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The Confusion and Chaos of Title IX Reform

President Biden, when he was elected in 2020, promised to immediately overturn Trump-era Title IX reforms. But the bold changes he introduced to the federal government’s gender equality law have hit a series of regulatory and political roadblocks causing chaos and confusion among compliance officers, university leaders and students. Judges have temporarily blocked enforcement in nearly half the country, leaving the future of Biden’s reforms hanging in the balance. Get up to speed with Inside Higher Ed’s coverage of the key developments.