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A former student is suing the University of Alabama at Birmingham, alleging that the university was negligent and violated its Title IX obligations after she reported being raped by a football player, reported.

The student, known as Jane Doe in the lawsuit, wrote that after she reported being assaulted, campus police walked her back to her dorm and allegedly said, “It happens.” Officers neglected to gather information or offer “any direction or guidance on Title IX protections,” according to her legal complaint.

“The officers did not take her name, did not take notes, did not ask who the assailant was, did not offer to get Plaintiff medical attention when she clearly was so distraught, and failed to ask even the most basic questions,” the complaint states.

“They failed to obtain any significant testimony from Plaintiff about the actual sexual assault. They did not give Plaintiff any direction of what to do next other than to return to the dormitory where the assault took place and told Plaintiff essentially such an assault was common and just to move on.”

The lawsuit, initially filed in Jefferson County circuit court on May 29, charges the university with violation of Title IX, gender discrimination, negligence and breach of contract. The suit has since moved to federal court.

The university has denied the allegations, responding that the reported assault took place before Doe became a student or moved into the dorms, reported.

Doe said she reported being attacked around January 2021 and the university conducted a partial investigation in November. She has since withdrawn from the institution.