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Louisiana adults who plan to pursue an education in high-demand fields will be able to apply for grants to attend community and technical colleges starting next summer as a part of a new state promise program.

Governor John Bel Edwards signed the MJ Foster Promise program into law last week, the Lafayette Daily Advertiser reported. The state Legislature will spend $10.5 million annually on the initiative, named for former governor Mike Foster. Students can receive up to $6,400 toward training and degree programs.

Applicants must be at least 21 to be eligible and must enroll in programs that prepare them for one of five growing industries in the state: information technology, construction, health care, manufacturing and transportation and logistics.

“The MJ Foster Promise Program is the first of its kind in our state’s history and will provide opportunity and access to jobs for thousands of Louisianans,” Louisiana Senate president Page Cortez, the author of the bill, told the Lafayette Daily Advertiser. “Employers across the state are seeking skilled workers who often lack the resources they need for training.”