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Eastern Connecticut State University is hiring a third-party consulting firm to review how university officials handle complaints of sexual misconduct. The move comes after recent criticism by survivors of sexual assault at the campus on an online forum, FOX61 reported.

TNG Strategic Risk Management Solutions, a national firm that specializes in institutional compliance with Title IX, the law that prohibits sex discrimination at federally funded colleges and universities, will examine how Eastern Connecticut carries out its obligations under the law, Edward Osborn, a university spokesperson, wrote in an email.

Osborn said the review will focus only on the university’s procedures, not its policies, which are established by the Connecticut State Colleges and Universities System and are consistent across all 17 institutions in the system. Elsa Nunez, president of Eastern Connecticut, said in a March 31 statement provided by Osborn that the university is committed to responding to the survivors’ complaints.

“We believe that recent complaints require our immediate attention,” Nunez’s statement said. “While we are confident in our compliance, we are committed to ensuring that we are doing everything we can to protect survivors. We intend to cooperate fully with the independent firm so that an objective review can be conducted, and we will carefully consider their findings and recommendations to help us examine and evolve our programs.”