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Two professors of nursing at Widener University apologized for discussing how their students were going to “bomb” a test -- on a video that they later accidentally shared with those students, according to The Philadelphia Inquirer. In a clip of the professors circulating on social media, one says, “They’re going to bomb this next test.” The second responds, “I think so, too.” The first professor adds, “I don’t care, though. Let ’em fail.”

The faculty members involved, Mary C. Francis, an assistant professor, and Mary Marquis, a lecturer, have declined public comment on the case. Francis reportedly wrote to students in the class that she and Marquis “want to offer our most sincere apologies for what was said in the personal conversation between the two of us at the conclusion of class.” Calling the recorded comments “inappropriate and unprofessional,” Francis wrote, “Like all of you, we have experienced frustration with the challenges of remote learning, including the difficulties of teaching and assessing students from our individual spaces at home.”

Widener also called the statements “unprofessional” and said that Francis and Marquis would be replaced by other instructors in the course in question, as well as in another course. Nursing program officials reportedly plan to meet with students to hear their concerns about the incident.