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President Donald Trump may have again made the questionable claim in Thursday night’s debate that he saved historically Black colleges. But further evidence that Democratic vice presidential candidate Kamala Harris seems to have a special relationship with HBCUs came the next day.

Harris is using as her campaign office Howard University, the HBCU in Washington, D.C., from which she graduated, she said in a speech at Spelman College Friday.

“You go and have a campaign office because that’s what you do when you’re running for office,” Harris said. “You know where I’m doing all of it? On Howard’s campus,” she said, adding she used the university's Cramton Auditorium to prepare for her debate with Vice President Mike Pence.

“Freshman orientation was in that very same auditorium. And I’m now on a daily basis standing in that auditorium preparing for this next thing,” she said. “You come full circle.”

A Howard spokesman confirmed she is working from the university, but neither he nor the Biden campaign provided further detail.

Harris, departing from a regular stump speech, spoke of the importance of having gone to Howard.

“When you leave that place, you will know how great you are and that you come from a great people and greatness is expected of you,” she said. “And our job is to fulfill that mission.”