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President Brian Bruess has had a tumultuous month, with his position at St. Norbert College seemingly up in the air.

Now the Green Bay Press-Gazette reports that the Board of Trustees has approved Bruess's contract. Details are sparse, but Bruess confirmed in a Friday email to the college that a multiyear contract had been approved at the Thursday board meeting.

"The board met yesterday and had an open and productive discussion about the future of St. Norbert College," said a statement provided to ABC affiliate WBAY-TV by the board and Bruess. "The board voted to approve a multi-year contract extension with President Bruess. The trustees are grateful for the outpouring of support for the college and President Bruess’ leadership. We have heard from students, faculty, staff, alumni, parents and friends who love this college and care deeply about its future. We have much work to do, but today we move forward confident in our leadership, united in our vision for the future of our college, and grounded in our Catholic, Norbertine and liberal arts traditions."

Earlier this month Bruess made the abrupt announcement that he would be stepping down, followed by a show of faculty support for the president and calls for him to remain.

Students had protested Bruess's departure, including outside the meeting on Thursday.

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