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Jan. 31 was a deadline set by the University of California System for its negotiations with Elsevier, but the talks continue. The University of California System is engaged in a high-stakes battle with Elsevier, the publishing giant whose contract with the UC system was slated to expire at the end of December 2018. With UC threatening to walk away unless it wins substantial changes in the way Elsevier charges for journal access, many see the showdown as significant. Late in December, UC announced that it agreed with Elsevier on a one-month extension to the contract that is expiring. A university statement said that the extension was part of a "good-faith effort to conclude negotiations by January 31."

Then early today, Feb. 1, the university posted a new statement that said in part, "As of Jan. 31: The University of California and Elsevier have agreed to continue good-faith discussions for the time being. For now, access is expected to continue. Should we learn of any changes to access at UC, we will notify our community."