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Inside Higher Ed's Deep Dive
Into the Credentials Landscape

"On-Ramps and Off-Ramps" examines the fast-changing market of alternative credentials and emerging pathways between education and work. Purchase the special report or download a free preview here.

An emerging category of short-term postsecondary training programs, typically a few weeks to several months in duration, are aimed at working-class adults who lack college degrees and make less than $25,000 a year, according to a new report from the Strada Institute for the Future of Work and Entangled Solutions. These "on-ramps" can give workers a boost in skills and income, the report found. But they face several barriers to expansion, including a need for stronger business models and tighter connections with employers' HR functions.

"Changes in the economy, technology and the future of work will have broad and massive implications, and they will not be distributed equally," the report said. "These significant developments will make it even more imperative that we scale flexible and targeted programs that meet the needs of both adult learners and employers."