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The University of Wisconsin at Stevens Point, which previously announced plans to cut 13 majors, on Monday said it will continue to evolve into “a new kind of regional university” and save about half the majors pegged for elimination. Under a plan proposed by Chancellor Bernie Patterson, academic departments would be reconfigured within new interdisciplinary schools housing degree programs focused on professional outcomes. Schools would include “existing groups of programs in areas such as natural resources, health and wellness, business, education and the performing arts, as well as new configurations such as design, human services and information science,” according to a university news release.

The plan includes two new entities in the University College, the Institute for the Wisconsin Idea and the Center for Critical Thinking. Faculty members from liberal arts disciplines would teach in the institute to “create a stronger, more focused and enriching liberal arts core curriculum to complement the university’s career-focused majors,” the university said. Majors still slated for elimination are French, German, geoscience, geography, history and two fine arts concentrations within art.