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Students camp out in protest at American University Beirut.Graduate students at American University of Beirut are protesting what they consider insufficient compensation for the work they do, and also the university's response to recent protests that involved camping out on campus. A graduate student group says that the university told at least six graduate students that their tuition stipends were being revoked because of their participation in the protests. The grad students say that this action raises concerns about the ability of those on campus to criticize administrators. And the grad students say that their protest (above right) did not disrupt university activities.

The university issued a statement indicating that the grad students were removed -- and punished with lost positions -- only after multiple warnings were ignored. The statement also disputed the idea that dissent and freedom of expression were not respected at the university. "AUB shall remain a beacon and space for freedom of expression. It is also an inclusive community where constructive dialogue, tolerance and respect are a core part of our mission," the statement said. "We also recognize that protest and the right to dissent are likewise a reflection of our proud identity. The freedom of one person ends at the tip of the nose of another. It also cannot encroach on the physical space or the dignity of others. These are fundamental principles that we all must commit to and cannot be compromised."