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The University of Cincinnati is investigating comments Clifford Adams, an assistant professor of music, wrote on a Muslim student's assignment, according to The student reportedly wrote in a paper that the song “Walk on Water” speaks to American values that are antithetical to bigotry. In a response since shared on Facebook, Adams allegedly wrote that "Muslim females" are murdered by their family members for holding hands with non-Muslims and that "July 4th is not the day we tape a sign to a damn stick and go out and march with smug college brats and dysphoric drama queens, it is a federal holiday commemorating the adoption of the Declaration of Independence on July 4, 1776. I am glad you took my class; you really do need to shut up, listen, and learn. Welcome to America, and welcome to college.” Another comment reads, “The U.S. president’s first sworn duty is to protect America from enemies, and the greatest threat to our freedom is not the president, it is radical Islam. Review this list of Islamic terrorist attacks and then tell me about your hurt feelings.” Adams declined immediate comment. Greg Vehr, university spokesperson, said in a statement that Cincinnati “takes seriously all concerns for discriminatory or harassing conduct occurring within its community and pursuant to its policies, will conduct an appropriate review.”