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For the second time in two years, a jury has deadlocked on charges of either murder or voluntary manslaughter against Ray Tensing, a former police officer at the University of Cincinnati. Tensing was fired after he shot and killed a black man he pulled over off campus in 2015. Video of the incident left many saying that this was another in a series of unjustified police shootings of unarmed black men. Tensing has said he felt in danger before he shot the man, Sam DuBose.
The shooting led to widespread debate at the university and elsewhere about the role of campus police, particularly in incidents off campus, where the shooting of DuBose took place.
Neville Pinto, president of the university, issued this statement after the jury deadlock resulted in a mistrial: "On behalf of the University of Cincinnati, we want to express our deepest condolences to all affected by the tragic loss of Samuel DuBose. The need for healing and hope continues. We shall press forward with the voluntary police reforms we initiated with the help of our Community Advisory Council. Our focus remains on learning from the past and redoubling our efforts to build a brighter tomorrow."