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The National Women's Law Center filed a Freedom of Information Act lawsuit against the Department of Education Monday alleging that it has improperly withheld documents concerning its enforcement of Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972.

"The records are a matter of public concern. Without their release, students, families and legal service providers such as NWLC will be kept in the dark about whether and how ED enforces Title IX’s protections for student survivors of sexual harassment, including rape," the lawsuit argued. "Without their release, victims will not know whether they can trust their government to enforce civil rights laws and intervene on their behalf."

The suit also argues that the Trump administration has refused to commit to enforcement of Title IX protections. NWLC submitted a FOIA request on Jan. 26 for records reflecting sexual harassment cases currently pending before the Office for Civil Rights and records involving resolution of sexual harassment cases. The group said it has yet to receive the documents and the department has yet to provide a timeline by which it will receive them.