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Niagara County Community College President James Klyczek resigned just hours before the college's Board of Trustees held a meeting Wednesday to decide whether or not to fire him after he allegedly called a sexual assault victim "stupid," according to The Buffalo News.

Audio of Klyczek's remarks was leaked to a local news affiliate in Buffalo; the college president can be heard commenting about one woman who reported an assault near the campus library. In the audio clip, Klyczek says, "What is she, stupid? I mean, no, seriously. This just aggravates me. Make us the guilty party because you're too stupid to follow your instinct …. Her daughter should be worried, because if she's got her mother's genes, she's dumber than a doorknob."

Two other college administrators also allegedly made disparaging remarks about sexual assault victims.

New York Governor Andrew Cuomo had also called for an investigation into NCCC's response to sexual assault crimes and whether the college sent adequate notifications to members of the college community. NCCC is investigating two recent reports of sexual assault.

Klyczek, who became acting president in 2002, contacted board trustees Wednesday afternoon to announce that he was retiring. Niagara trustees were asked earlier this year by NCCC's Faculty Senate to remove Klyczek after a news investigation discovered bid rigging at the college for the construction of a culinary institute.

Several trustees told Buffalo media that Klyczek certainly would have been fired at the Wednesday meeting.