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Greensboro College has been using a student-written and -directed play, It Stops Here, to educate students about sexual assault. All freshmen are required to attend a performance, as are many returning students who are athletes and whose coaches have required all team members to attend. During a performance last week, some students shouted out sexually related slurs during the performance, comments that suggested the women being portrayed in the play deserved to be raped.

Lawrence D. Czarda, president of the college, sent an email to the campus stating that the college was investigating and that the students who shouted may well be found to have violated the college's anti-harassment rules. "Wednesday’s incident makes clear that we as an academic and social community still have much to learn. That includes all of us, not just a few students," the email said. "In addition to the Title IX investigation, the college will be reviewing and discussing the entirety of the context of the incident. Among many other questions, we will address such issues as what faculty and staff who were present might have done differently. Beyond meeting our legal obligations, the college’s goal is to make this incident a learning opportunity for the entire college community."