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Cornel West has responded to the much-discussed critique of him that recently appeared in The New Republic. West didn't specifically cite the article, but in a Facebook post, he made no apologies for his writings or public statements.

"Character assassination is the refuge of those who hide and conceal these issues in order to rationalize their own allegiance to the status quo. I am neither a saint nor prophet, but I am a Jesus-loving free black man in a great tradition who intends to be faithful unto death in telling the truth and bearing witness to justice," West wrote. "I am not beholden to any administration, political party, TV channel or financial sponsor because loving suffering and struggling peoples is my point of reference. Deep integrity must trump cheap popularity. Nothing will stop or distract my work and witness, even as I learn from others and try not to hurt others." The full post may be found here.

An Inside Higher Ed column analyzing the West critique may be found here.