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We reported yesterday on interesting construction plans announced by Houghton and Smith Colleges, with April 1 in mind. A number of other colleges and people in the education policy world also enjoyed the day.

Western New Mexico University was thinking "Game of Thrones" with the image at right on its home page, suggesting a power struggle at the university.

The University of Rochester announced that, unlike certain colleges in the Boston area, its students don't want classes called off for snow, but rather want snow all year round. So the university said it would do just that, so that students in Rochester could enjoy snow "in both of its seasons." (See photo below.)

Several colleges announced name changes of various sorts.

Northampton Community College announced plans to become NAC, with a new name for teams, the Yaks.

Pittsburg State University, in Kansas, announced that it was giving up on correcting people who continue to spell its name like a city in Pennsylvania, and was adding an h at the end of Pittsburg.

And Ursinus College announced that it would become Bovinus College. “This name change addresses a number of challenges the college has faced,” said a statement from Paul Dempsey, web director and co-chair of the college’s visual identity redesign committee. “For example, people could never seem to pronounce our name correctly. They’d say ‘your sinus’ or ‘er-sin-us’ or ‘ursine use.’ It was kind of annoying.”

The college's new team name (at least for April 1): the Fighting Heifers.