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Faculty members at the University of West Florida criticized their president, Judy Bense, Monday before the university's Board of Trustees; the move followed a Faculty Senate vote of no confidence in the president last week. Faculty members want Bense to step down in June, when her contract expires, the Pensacola News-Journal reported, with some saying that her standards for student admissions are too low and that she puts promoting the university's sports programs ahead of academics.

In response to faculty concerns, the board voted overwhelmingly to pass a resolution in support of the president. They've praised her leadership, saying she helped the university earn its spot on Forbes's "America's Top Colleges" list, among other national rankings. The News-Journal said that Bense had acknowledged that some students who enrolled in the university on her watch should not have been able to, and she pledged to move the university up from last in the state's rating system. That position resulted in a $4 million withholding of state funds this year.