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Canadian universities -- like their counterparts in the United States -- have been telling students to stay away from campuses if they have flu-like symptoms. But some students are taking advantage, according to an article in Maclean's, which said that students "quickly expanded the definition of flu-like symptoms to include smoker’s cough, hangovers and an insatiable appetite for TLC’s Cake Boss." The magazine spoke to one Dalhousie University student who said she reported flu-like symptoms once for her logic course and once in her deduction course, and was planning to contract flu-like symptoms before an epistemology exam. "It’s supposed to come in waves," she said. The University of Western Ontario recently created a database into which students skipping classes for H1N1-related reasons are supposed to enter their names. While the database could be used to detect those experiencing multiple instances of the "flu," officials said it was created for public health record-keeping.