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  • Uva Coles, vice president for intake services at Big Brothers Big Sisters of Southeastern Pennsylvania, has been chosen as dean of career management services at Peirce College, also in Pennsylvania.
  • Michael Frandsen, interim vice president for finance and administration at Albion College, in Michigan, has been promoted to the job on a permanent basis.
  • H. Scott Kirkpatrick Jr., executive vice president for strategy and marketing at Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Co., has been appointed as president of the Test Preparation Services Division at the Princeton Review.
  • Mary Lou Lackey, executive assistant dean at University of the Pacific McGeorge School of Law, in California, has been named vice president and secretary to the Board of Regents at Pacific.
  • William Truehart, president and chief executive officer of the Pittsburgh Foundation, has been selected as chief executive officer of Achieving the Dream: Community Colleges Count.
  • Susan R. Wessler, University of Georgia Foundation Chair in the Biological Sciences and Howard Hughes Medical Institute Professor at the University of Georgia. has been named distinguished professor of genetics in the Department of Botany and Plant Sciences at the University of California at Riverside.


The appointments above are drawn from The Lists on Inside Higher Ed, which also includes a comprehensive catalog of upcoming events in higher education. To submit job changes or calendar items, please click here.