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A large crowd greeted Richard Dawkins at the University of Oklahoma Friday, cheering on the biologist as he spoke about evolution and the attacks on science by creationists and others. Some legislators spoke out against the university's invitation to Dawkins. One member of the Oklahoma House has introduced resolutions (which have not been voted on) to express disappointment with the university for giving a forum to the noted scholar because of his "biased philosophy." Another resolution prompted by the Dawkins visit attacked the university's zoology department, saying that it has been "framing the Darwinian theory of evolution as doctrinal dogmatism rather than a hypothetical construction within the disciplines of the sciences." The zoology department offended the legislator in question by having material on the department Web site that explains the science of evolution. Despite a heckler/questioner, Dawkins was able to give his talk and won strong support from the audience. He opened his talk (video of which is on YouTube) by noting the legislative opposition to his visit, and wondering whether the diversity of thought on science that his critics want would extend to the parody produced by The Onion of "intelligent falling" as a challenge to the theory of gravity.