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Career-Readiness Initiatives Are Missing the Mark

Instead of focusing on generic soft skills and internships, students need work-integrated classroom learning and pathways for building career readiness, Matthew T. Hora writes.

Why We Need Better Data on Faculty Diversity

Institutions need better data on faculty backgrounds, their experiences and working conditions, and (in)equities in measures of success, Laura W. Perna writes.

Ethical College Admissions: ‘I Am Not a Robot’

Jim Jump considers the issues raised by ChatGPT for the admissions essay.

Students: Just Say No to Remedial Classes

In light of research showing traditional remediation is ineffective, community college students should stand up and refuse remedial course placements, Maggie P. Fay writes.

Driven to Distraction

Scott McLemee reviews Jamie Kreiner’s The Wandering Mind: What Medieval Monks Tell Us About Distraction.

Equal Benefits for Postdocs

Postdocs on federal fellowships should receive equal benefits as peers, write Mallory R. Smith and Thomas P. Kimbis.

R-2 for Good

Pursuit of R-2 status can create new opportunities for underrepresented students and needn’t come at cost to inclusion or access, Kim Schatzel and KerryAnn O’Meara write.

After the Strike

While University of California grad workers won important gains, the system remains broken, along with graduate and undergraduate students’ trust, Laura J. Mitchell writes.