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China's Thousandfold Guantánamos

With China's assault on scores of leading academics and intellectuals, business as usual is no longer possible, writes Magnus Fiskesjö.

Making the Anthropocene

Scott McLemee reviews some of the many books coming out this spring and summer with the term in the title or clearly hinted at as the focus.

Know Your Title IX

Voicing different views, no matter how respectful or reasoned, about sexual assault and other contentious issues has become increasingly difficult on campuses these days, argues James Moore.

AI for Empathy?

The most profound use for artificial intelligence on campus may stem from its ability to listen to students at scale, write Drew Magliozzi and Joel Lee.

Of Youth and Bad Behavior

Actions by our students and other young people may anger us, but we should go slowly before rushing to judgment, counsels Rob Weir.

Admissions, Athletics and the Academic Index

To understand how the recent scam departed from conventional procedures for monitoring the role of athletics in admissions, it's worth examining the Ivy League conference, writes John R. Thelin.

A Future for the Humanities

David Steiner and Mark Bauerlein describe how such studies can best succeed and even flourish in the midst of our technocratic age.

Perilous Times

Clayton M. Christensen and Michael B. Horn write about why they stand behind their analysis that many private colleges are in trouble.