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To MOOC or Not to MOOC?

The dominant model may not make sense for liberal arts colleges, but if you take away the "massive" part, there is great potential, write W. Joseph King and Michael Nanfito.

In the Beginning

"The Book of Genesis: A Biography" treats a classic religious text as if it were alive. Scott McLemee learns what it begat.

A Wayward Plan in Wisconsin

Gov. Scott Walker’s vision for judging the success of his state’s public universities would be a bad model for Wisconsin and the country, writes Benjamin Rifkin.

A Useful Liberal Arts

It's time to reject the idea that studying timeless disciplines is inconsistent with preparing for life success, writes William G. Durden.

Content Discovery Demystified

What's your preferred way of finding a paper in your field? Scott McLemee looks at a report on the available options.

The Future is MOOC!

If everyone else can do it, why can't U of All People? David Galef asks.

Fixing Law Reviews

We don't need to abolish them, but we need fewer of them, and more focus on issues that would help lawyers and judges, writes John G. Browning.

Death of the Degree? Not So Fast

Talk of disruption aside, Silicon Valley’s millions and the spread of MOOCs won’t kill the degree – they’ll help improve it, Daniel Pianko and Ryan Craig argue.