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The Social Edition

A group of digital humanists foresees a new phase of scholarly e-publishing. Scott McLemee gets a peek into their crystal ball.

What a University Owes a Town

In the wake of the shootings at Sandy Hook, Susan Herbst -- president of a university in the shadow of Newtown, Conn. -- assesses the tragedy's implications for her institution, and others.

Defining Learning Expectations

Historians and other academics are, contrary to what you may hear from critics of academe, working to define specific student outcomes and to promote accountability, writes Anne Hyde.

Andy Bernard’s Cornell

As "The Office" prepares to end its long run, Mark Drozdowski looks at how Cornell University will cope with the departure of one of its most famous faux alumni.

Stop Raiding the Treasury

Why should donations that finance luxurious buildings and half-million-dollar salaries at wealthy colleges be tax-deductible? Explain it to the students in Wick Sloane's 7 a.m. community college classes, he writes.

Hyperspace is the Place

It's the music that makes the universe dance: Scott McLemee reads The Best Writing in Mathematics 2012.

In Defense of Incrementalism

Higher ed needs to change – but if college leaders value “nimbleness” over thoughtful deliberation, they will not serve their institutions well, writes Terry Brown.

Free Speech Limited for HR Official

Appeals court says University of Toledo had right to fire human resources director for op-ed questioning legitimacy of gay rights.