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Building Transparent Statewide Transfer Pathways

Private nonprofit colleges and associations can do more to realize the potential of community college transfer to independent institutions, Loni Bordoloi Pazich, Julia Karon and Daniel Rossman write.

Teach Your Students to Be Builders, Not Critics

Eboo Patel calls on college educators to teach students how to build a better social order, not merely criticize the existing one.

Espionage! (Not)

Scott McLemee reviews Ralph Engelman and Carey Shenkman’s A Century of Repression: The Espionage Act and Freedom of the Press.

Yale in Houston

Houston represents America’s future, and higher ed is not stepping up to meet it, Ryan Craig writes.

Beneath the Student Loan Crisis, There’s an ROI Crisis

The reality is college doesn’t pay off for many graduates—and until we’re more transparent about that, the student loan crisis will be a recurrent one, Chris Keaveney writes.

Safe Space for Me, but Not for Thee?

If universities sign on to principles to “protect and promote” free and open debate, those principles should apply to all members of the university community, Thomas Day writes.

Why Institutional Narratives About First-Gen Students Matter

Consider whether your college is putting too heavy a burden on first-generation students with its expectations, write Rashné Jehangir and Tai Do.

Are You Considering Test-Optional Admissions?

Eric Maguire says the results at his university validate what was first seen as an experiment.