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Higher Ed and the Schools

Colleges have done too little to fix the nation's public schools, and it's time for that to change, writes Milton Greenberg.

No Christianity Please, We're Academics

I had lunch this summer with a prospective graduate student at the evangelical college where I teach. I will call...

We All Could Lose in UVa Case

Whether you’re conservative or liberal, the politicized 'fraud investigation' into climate-change research could set a dangerous precedent, writes Molly Corbett Broad.

The Amazonian Gorilla

How does the online book vendor's power affect publishers? Scott McLemee asks around in university-press circles.

Teaching With Blogs

Lanny Arvan considers the lessons for an instructor on issues of openness, privacy and writing.

O Canada

American academics should take note of the way their northern neighbor is gaining on them in higher education, write Stephen J. Toope and Neil Gross.

Dear Adjuncts: Don't Get Sick

I’m sick. And I don’t mean sniffles and tickle in my throat. I mean swallowing pitchforks and a jackhammer on...

BP and Academic Freedom

The contracts offered to scientists in the Gulf illustrate why universities and the press need to be vigilant about corporate control of research, writes Cary Nelson.