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Fresh Eyes on the Campus Tour

Patrick O’Connor takes his first multicollege trip for counselors and emerges impressed.

What College Students Need Most

To many people, vocational education has often meant learning a trade, but a more profound and important meaning of the term has been coming back into use, writes David S. Cunningham.

Presidential Spouses and Partners: Clarifying Expectations

In the abbreviated circumstances of presidential searches, Susan Resneck Pierce asks, how can the spouse or partner ensure a clear understanding of their responsibilities?

‘Diploma Mill’

Scott McLemee reviews Diploma Mill: The Rise and Fall of Dr. John Buchanan and the Eclectic Medical College of Pennsylvania by David Alan Johnson.

The Health of the English Major

Kent Cartwright examines some of the strengths and weaknesses of the English major and reports that the news is not all bad.

Casting Public Imagination for the Evolving Major

A decline in the English major is a crisis not of marketing but rather of public imagination, argues Jennifer Clifton.

Private Colleges Need a New Agenda

To avoid closure or merger, they must begin to think differently, argues W. Kent Barnds.

In Defense of the Chicago Principles

They have become a gold standard among institutions that wish to show their commitment to American higher education's core principle of freedom of expression, argues Michael Poliakoff.