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Back to the Future

Under pressure from its accreditor to go high-tech, U of All People -- ever the maverick -- heads in the other direction. David Galef reports.

What's Wrong With Boasting About CLA Scores?

Like all good Ohio State University alumni (M.P.A. '95), I've been preparing to obsessively follow the highly-ranked Buckeyes football team...

Moving Beyond the 'Big 3'

It’s a brave new world for tenure-track faculty members, graduate students, and postdocs these days. New and aspiring professors enter...

Why Assistant Professors Should Earn More Than the Tenured

Doing so might bruise the egos of senior professors. But a college could increase the quality of its faculty by giving relatively higher salaries to junior professors, James D. Miller writes.

'Molto, Signora': Or, How I Read Winckelmann Under the Tuscan Sun

I hadn’t seen the movie and I hadn’t read the book, but I’d seen the preview and the poster: “The...

RateMyRankings: Ridiculous!

Forbes portrays its new college rankings as an outcomes-oriented alternative to U.S. News. But the outcomes it chooses -- including -- make it seem like a parody, Patricia McGuire writes.

Rankings Are Useful -- But Go Beyond 'U.S. News'

Many in the academic community despise college rankings and the implicit associated “grading” of universities. This is terribly ironic since...

The End of the End of the End of History?

The conflict between Russia and Georgia was a turning point of some kind. Scott McLemee wonders what's the big idea....