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Analyze This

'The Sopranos' left viewers with an aporia they couldn't refuse. Scott McLemee looks beyond the irony.

Gaming the Rankings

The U.S. News frenzy is about how to succeed without really succeeding, but is probably here to stay, write Burton A. Weisbrod and Evelyn D. Asch.

Purpose, Tools, Leverage ... and Guts

It's high time for states to make significant change in their public higher ed systems, argues Gordon Davies -- who describes the four essential attributes they'll need.

The Mistakes to Avoid

Many colleges make similar errors in economic downturns -- and they can't afford to do so now, writes Kent John Chabotar.

Apples and Oranges on Student Loans

Andrew Gillen supports the goals of President Obama's proposal to end the guaranteed student loan program, but challenges the budget math behind the administration's promises.

The Tension Point

Is the digital future inevitable for university presses? Scott McLemee goes to Book Expo to ask around.

Getting Past 'Accountability'

We are living in an era in which accountability is a public mandate. The pressures of a global market and...

Pell Grants: Glass Half Full

Despite the importance of financial aid, efforts to attract more people to higher education will not succeed without adequate funding for programs that provide academic support for low-income students, writes Arnold Mitchem.