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Engaging With Agents

The only way to protect foreign students is to recognize the realities involved in recruiting them, writes Mitch Leventhal.

Egghead Headshots

A prominent photographer offers a portrait gallery of contemporary philosophers. Scott McLemee takes a look.

Robbing Peter

John Marsh wonders how higher education can rejoice when its budget woes are minimized by deep cuts to social services.

Under Assault

Randolph Lewis describes how the political attacks on Texas universities appear to one who teaches there.

Accreditation vs. Eligibility

It's time to rethink the role that accrediting agencies play in determining colleges' eligibility for financial aid -- and better equip the Education Department to fulfill that role, R. Michael Tanner and Peter McPherson argue.

Do Majors Matter?

How much they boost earning power is only one factor, writes W. Robert Connor, who explores how the study of different disciplines boosts students' cognitive development.

Abuse of Power

In both the Cold War and aftermath of 9/11, civil liberties took a hit. Scott McLemee reviews a historian's assessment.

What Bubble?

Robert B. Archibald and David H. Feldman question recent predictions that higher education is about to face a major collapse.