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Socrates at the Center

Jonathan Marks challenges those who say that advocates for liberal education must put civic engagement at the core of their arguments.

Notes from the Underground

A new book explores the subterranean connections between geology and mythology. Scott McLemee returns from the land of the ice and snow, from the midnight sun where the hot springs blow.

Narrating a Tragedy

Lucinda Roy reflects on the experience of reading her book on the Virginia Tech killings out loud -- cover to cover -- for a recording.

The Real Precipice

Forget MOOCs. The true challenge to higher ed will come from models that use cognitive science and technology to remove faculty members from the center of the learning process, writes Richard Holmgren.


Professors at U of All People want to respond to Governor Broadside's higher ed bashing, but, as David Galef reports, the PR office reins them in.

Wrong Solutions on Loans

Yes, student loan debt is a major problem, but the proposals offered by both President Obama and Senate Republicans won't solve it, writes Aaron Smith.

Transparency Can Cut Costs

The process of collecting and sharing information doesn't just help students make informed choices, but promotes better management of colleges and universities, writes Michael Bugeja.

Network Down

Who knew that WikiLeaks was around in 1773? Scott McLemee takes a look at Ben Franklin's role -- part Bradley Manning, part Julian Assange...