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Reclaiming Our Birthright

Contractual relationships with corporations have tarnished higher education's public image. College presidents and trustees must work to restore it, writes Constantine W. Curris.

Disciplinary Associations Should Start Treating Job Seekers With Respect

Groups should be more honest about the job market and find ways to force departments to treat applicants with some courtesy, writes Michael Bowen.

The Huckster's Artful Dodging on Evolution

In a January 8 article, Inside Higher Ed profiled former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee’s record on issues important to education...

Let the Women Play

NCAA colleges should agree to limit the use of male players in practices for women’s teams, argues Donna Ledwin.

The Hopped-Up Conference Hopper

Bleary from academic gabfests, drugged with prescription narcotics... Scott McLemee wonders how Hunter S. Thompson ever managed.

The Real Meanings of Letters of Recommendation

Professors complain about all the writing they have to do to get students into grad school, but Randal Doane wonders if they think enough about the process.

'The Great Debaters': A Challenge to Higher Education

“The banquet of my Wiley years was the tutelage of Tolson.”-- James Farmer, Lay Bare the Heart Over the holidays...

A Crossroads for the Fighting Irish (and Their Peers)

It’s getting steadily harder for academically competitive universities to play big-time football without compromising themselves. Allen Sack suggests a new approach.