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Bringing Guilds to Colleges

William G. Durden offers a practical proposal for reinventing liberal arts education.

Ethical College Admissions: Responding to Parkland

Jim Jump reviews the way college admissions officials have responded to the tragic killings at a Florida high school.

Award Season

Nicholas Soodik asks why so many colleges are vague or confusing in their letters to accepted applicants about financial aid eligibility.

Educate or Execute?

Professors and teachers should not ever be expected to carry firearms to police their classrooms, writes Joshua Grubbs, a faculty member who is also a gun owner.

A Dry Story

Almost a century after Prohibition went into effect, we remember it as Puritanism run amok. Scott McLemee looks into a book taking a different view.

Skills Don’t Matter (Outside Their Context)

Colleges and universities shouldn't care about, or recognize, skills that aren't woven into a program of study that gives them meaning, Johann N. Neem argues.

Against Conformity

Michael S. Roth reflects on the questioning of liberal education in China and the United States.

The Promise -- and Limits -- of Ed Tech

As we consider the use of technological tools in learning, let’s focus less on the what and more on the why and how, Jonathan Kaplan writes.