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The Usefulness of Useless Knowledge

Abraham Flexner's The Usefulness of Useless Knowledge highlights how the pursuit of knowledge for its own sake has shown itself to be a powerful force in the world, writes Scott McLemee.

Welcome to Shark Tank U

Entrepreneur mania seems to be sweeping higher education institutions, but an entire university based largely on those principles is problematic, argues Steven C. Ward.

Information Access and the 800-Pound Gorilla

Current technology offers unfettered access to good information and good scholarship, but standing in the way is the U.S. copyright law, argues Bryn Geffert.

Very Special Education

Lee Burdette Williams provides a tongue-in-cheek look at an institution's effort to differentiate itself.

College Can Improve Transfer Rates

State policy isn’t the only way to tackle low community college student transfer rates, write Josh Wyner and Alison Kadlec. Institutional action matters, too.

From Psychobabble to Stoicism

A new documentary and a book from Denmark point to the dangers and dead ends of the self-transformation industry, says Scott McLemee

Christian Colleges in the Age of Trump

Christian colleges can provide a bridge between elite opinion and “red-state” America, writes Thomas Albert Howard. How might they rise to the occasion?

Teach Online ... Before It's Too Late

Professors are right to be dubious of online education, writes Penelope Adams Moon, and that's exactly when they need to get involved.