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The Outsourcing Solution

Colleges could cut their costs (and, in turn, their prices) by letting companies perform some non-academic functions, James A. Boyle says.

White-Collar Hell

Scott McLemee interviews Barbara Ehrenreich about the professional-managerial class, psychobabble and the desperate hunger of adjunct professors.

A Poor Desk-Side Manner

Shari Wilson explores the all-too-common ways that some instructors frustrate their students.

After the Deluge

Scott McLemee takes a quick look at commentary on Hurricane Katrina ... muttering audibly, the whole time.

Playing a Dangerous Game

When colleges define offensive speech as a "threat," they devalue real threats and freedom of expression, write Greg Lukianoff and Azhar Majeed.

All Booked Up

There are lots of reasons to complain about how the press handles books. Scott McLemee wants to do more than complain.

The Role of the University in Building World Peace

What is the role of academe as the U.S. government tackles foreign dangers without sufficient attention to the values of democracy? And how does this relate to the way colleges pay professors? A view from 1948.

Why States Shouldn't Accredit

In my work as Oregon’s college evaluator, I am often asked why state approval is not "as good as accreditation"...