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We're All Getting Better

Universities celebrate their achievements in an endless series of public pronouncements. Like the imaginary residents of Lake Wobegon, all universities...

I'm Not Really a Professor; I Just Play One on TV

When I was just a few years out of graduate school I wrote a “treatment” for a television series to...

The Chosen Few

Jerome Karabel's book about Ivy League admissions touches a bundle of raw nerves. Scott McLemee twitches in response.

One Cheer for Meetings

When department members come together, Terry Caesar writes, they reveal much about themselves -- and academic life.

Mirror, Mirror on the Web

The online version of a print journal must be more than just an electronic version of the original, writes Collin Brooke.

Rejecting College

When her nephew abandons a degree program for a short-term certificate, Paula Krebs wonders where she and the country went wrong.

Trustees and Tenure

John V. Lombardi on the annual ritual in which board members scrutinize the academic tradition that most baffles them.

Hitler -- the Classic?

A new book offers guidance in reading Mein Kampf. Scott McLemee wonders if the canon wars are quite over.