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The Federal Regulatory Compliance Fee

Colleges should add a line to their tuition bills to help students (and politicians) understand just how much they spend on federal requirements, Diane Auer Jones writes.

Physics, Blogs and Dogs

Chad Orzel considers how scientists communicate with everyone who isn't a scientist.

George Clooney Meets Max Weber

Up in the Air illustrates the ideas -- in surprising ways -- of some of the most prominent sociologists and philosophers of industrial life, writes Susan Herbst.

The Year Ahead in IT

Lev Gonick offers a prospective look at the top technology trends in higher education in 2010.

The First of the Year

An unusual cultural journal has reinvented itself, both online and in print. Scott McLemee looks into its latest anthology.

Control the Aid Arms Race

The economic crisis is the perfect time for colleges to get honest about merit aid, and to minimize it, writes John Roush.

Playing Mozart on the Titanic

Cary Nelson questions whether traditional scholarly meetings make any sense when the traditional role of faculty members is being eroded and tenure-track jobs are disappearing.

The Task of the Critic

A new book presents literary theorist Terry Eagleton in conversation. Scott McLemee eavesdrops with enthusiasm.