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A Little History of Philosophy

Will a new series from Yale University Press aimed at young readers (and the occasional grown-up) catch fire? Scott McLemee takes a look.

Hofstadter's 'Lost' Book

Ben Hufbauer reflects on how a textbook changed the genre, the way the public viewed American history and the way he shaped his career.

Lost Academic Freedom

In two cases involving controversial professors, Northwestern has abandoned key principles, writes John K. Wilson.

Is the Bloom Off the Rose?

For-profit colleges have been innovators, but excesses by some of them have put the sector's success at risk, write Terry Connelly and Dan Angel.

Academic Performance and the BCS

With conference realignment in full swing, three scholars of higher education rank the scholarly prowess of the major college sports leagues.

'The Managerial Unconscious'

A new book maps the corporate genome of composition studies. Scott McLemee has a look.

Classroom Styles

The way professors prefer to teach may not match the way students can gain the most, writes Robert J. Sternberg.

A Sit-In Threat on Day One

Peter Laipson considers what an administrator should learn from a well-intentioned student protest.