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Too Much to Read

Mark B. Brown considers the dilemma faced by most academics.

Conventional Wisdom Is Killing Us

Liberal arts colleges should stop listening to experts’ gloomy predictions and calls for efficiency, and focus on building relationships with students, Mark Putnam writes.

Food Fright

A new book on food panics puts the "pink slime" scare into perspective. Scott McLemee is what he eats.

Connect the Dots

Legislation won't end remedial education, writes Nancy L. Zimpher. To make progress, all levels of education need to work together in new ways.

Durbin’s Higher Ed Opportunity

Yes, Congress should count military education benefits in the so-called 90/10 rule for student aid -- but it should go further in forcing all colleges to prove the value they provide with federal student aid, write Gunnar Counselman and Michael B. Horn.

Do Price Controls Help Students?

Critics say recent attempts to charge more for high-demand community college courses hurt low-income students. But they're hurt more, Nate Johnson says, if the only classes open to them are at costlier private colleges.

Culture Change for Learning

Colleges focus too much on rankings and pushing students through, and too little on academic rigor and quality. Change -- and not a little -- is needed across higher education, Richard Keeling and Richard Hersh argue.

Painter of Blight?

Love him or loathe him, Thomas Kinkade was the most widely known American artist of the last 20 years. Scott McLemee surveys his landscape.