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Enemies of the People?

In the face of the administration's attacks on the press, Greg Britton questions whether his work as a scholarly publisher really differs from that of journalists.

Frankenstein Lives!

Scott McLemee reviews some of the university press titles inspired by Mary Shelley’s classic.

Why Are We Still Grading?

There is absolutely no way to take a student’s work in any class and put a number or a letter to it in a way that couldn’t be done in another equally reasonable way, argues Dan Houck.

4 Reasons Slack Will Change How You Teach

The digital communication platform gives students more ways to interact with instructors and one another and can breathe life into the online classroom, Kathleen Kole de Peralta and Sarah Robey write.

The Problem With Pronouns

Asking everyone their preferred personal pronoun is not a good idea, argues Rachel N. Levin.

What’s So Bad About Marketing?

The need to sell higher education and the liberal arts is real, and there should be no shame in that, argue Leonard Cassuto and Robin L. Cautin.

A Modest Proposal on Rankings

Mark Salisbury issues an open letter to college presidents.

Ethical College Admissions: The Cult of Selectivity

Jim Jump hopes that Stanford's recent announcement that it won't boast about admissions statistics leads to reflection at other colleges about the quest for more and more applicants.