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Colleges and Universities Need More Rappers

If more students were exposed to the critical practices they utilize, they’d be better equipped to engage in pressing conversations about race, identity, culture, class and the like, writes A. D. Carson.

Decreasing Structural Racism in Higher Education

At least two features must be reconsidered: remediation and the lack of credit transfer from associate to bachelor’s degree programs, argues Alexandra W. Logue.

4 Key Steps to Support Justice-Impacted Students

The economic challenges caused by the pandemic make it an especially crucial time for community college leaders to address their needs, write Eddie Phillips Jr. and Bradley D. Custer.

Failing Students for the Future

Many students, regardless of political ideology, aren’t learning about the state of human progress or developing the type of mind-set needed to continue it, write Clay Routledge and John Bitzan.

Keep the SAT and ACT

The tests may not be perfect, but they offer admissions officers key information, writes Larry S. Su.

Attacks on Critical Race Theory Threaten Democracy

Grounding in an accurate and complete American history -- of which race is a central component -- is the basis for a common understanding on which a democracy is built, Harvey J. Graff argues.

A College Leader Takes His First Virtual Class

After enrolling in an online course during the pandemic, Roger Martin, a former college president, has some suggestions for current leaders about instructional changes they may want to consider.

In Spite of Everything

Scott McLemee explores Spite: The Upside of Your Dark Side by Simon McCarthy-Jones.