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Outcomes Assessment: No Gain, All Pain

The push to measure student learning is portrayed as benefiting students, but it will hurt, not help, them, writes Bernard Fryshman.

The Lasting Impact of a Departmental Secretary

Paula M. Krebs considers how a woman educated professors about issues of class and power -- while helping all who relied on her.

The Path of Respectful Engagement

The Iranian president's Columbia visit created the impression that universities have two choices with such figures: keep them away or justify their visits by being rude. There's another possibility, writes Pat Hostetter Martin.

Untangling Quality Assurance in Higher Education

A federal judge’s ruling in an accreditation case should force states to do what most have long avoided, Alan Contreras argues: ensure the quality of colleges that operate within their borders.

Makin' Bacon

Word got around some months ago that a French psychoanalyst had published a guide to talking about books without reading...

The Solution Down the Hall

Don't count on voter mobilization efforts to bring young people into the political process, Daniel Shea and Melissa Comber write. Colleges -- and courses in American government -- have a crucial role to play.

Faculty Theft

Carolyn Foster Segal writes that plagiarism is just one of the ways faculty members steal -- and she considers how little is done about these crimes against colleagues.

Looking Under the Hood of Public Higher Ed

Patrick Callan explores why colleges fail to address their rising costs -- and the risks they face if they continue to do so.