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A close-up of a hand holding a sign that reads "Call to Action."

A Tenured Full Professor’s Call to Arms

Tenured full professors must weaponize their privilege in higher ed’s defense, Mathew H. Gendle writes.

A black-and-white drawing of a sign, pointing toward the right, with the word "career" on it.

Most Career Outcome Narratives Are Incomplete

Colleges should closely analyze how postgraduation employment outcomes differ based on race, class and first-generation student status, Hayley A. Haywood writes.

A political cartoon depicts a speaker at a climate summit outlining benefits of action. The bulleted list reads: “energy independence,” “preserve rainforests,” “sustainability,” “green jobs,” “livable cities,” “renewables,” “clean water, air” “healthy children,” “etc., etc.” A skeptic in the audience asks “What if it’s a big hoax and we create a better world for nothing?”

What If the Campus Speech Crisis Is a Hoax…

…and we create a better university for nothing? Leon Sachs argues there’s no harm—and much benefit—in taking concerns about the campus speech climate seriously.

Six blocks with the letters spelling "LEGACY," in orange, atop a wooden table.

An Equity-Based Defense of Legacy Admissions

At Grinnell College, we don’t have a legacy admission program—but it might be easier to fund our $50 million-plus annual aid budget if we did, Joe Bagnoli writes.

Book jacket for Daniel Schreiber's 'Alone: Reflections on Solitary Living.'

Alone, Together

Scott McLemee reflects on Daniel Schreiber’s Alone: Reflections on Solitary Living.

A printed FAFSA: Free Application for Federal Student Aid form, with a keyboard in the background.

Ensuring Aid Access for Foster Care Youth

Universal FAFSA requirements, data-sharing agreements and targeted scholarship programs are all policies that eliminate barriers to aid for students with foster care backgrounds, Mauriell H. Amechi writes.

A professor looks over the shoulder of a student engaged in a classroom, with other students working at desks in the background.

Embracing Constructive Dialogue and Oral Assessments in the Age of AI

Since AI is here to stay, instructors should consider using new approaches to assessing student knowledge, write Graham Clay and Cambriae W. Lee. They offer ideas for preparing dialogue-based activities and assessments, including how they can be enhanced with AI.

Rows of green stadium bleacher seats, suggesting "cheap" or "nosebleed" seats.

The View From the Cheap Seats

It’s easy to shout from high in the bleachers, harder to play with the team: faculty need to be better prepared to participate meaningfully in shared governance, Rachel Toor writes.