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Chushingura and Catastrophe

In an excerpt from his new book on MIT, Samuel Jay Keyser talks about why commissions and task forces may be ignored, but certain events can lead to real change at a university.

Attitudes Toward Kenneth Burke

It's been almost twenty years since the death of an American intellectual maverick. But Scott McLemee finds there is plenty of life left in his work.

Two Moments

Decades after an action in class he regretted instantly, Lauren Soth meets the student he embarrassed.

Showing Up

Commencement is supposed to be students' crowning achievement. So how come so few professors bother to see their students off? David Galef asks.

Whom to Invite

Pete Mackey considers why campuses -- and their diverse constituencies -- react to different speakers in different ways.

Gainful Employment: A Privacy Black Hole?

The Education Department's proposed mechanism for holding for-profit and vocational college programs accountable could put student data at serious risk, writes Daniel J. Solove.

Matters of Ultimate Concern

A new book considers the power of religion in the public sphere. Scott McLemee reads it while bracing for 2012.

Merger Debates Waste Time

State leaders who want to improve historically black colleges need to focus on students and budget fairness, not governance changes, writes James T. Minor.