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Reading Disruption

The day of world domination by the ebook is at hand! Well, maybe. Scott McLemee checks out a more sober assessment.

The Age(ism) of Diversity

It's time for colleges to admit that they don't seriously consider older applicants for faculty jobs -- and then to start hiring talented academics older than 40, writes Robert J. McKee.

Becoming a Freshman, Again

Julie Wollman, a university president, shares what she learned about teaching and learning by taking a course -- in an unfamiliar subject -- with undergraduates.

No Apologies

It's time for students who leave MOOCs and the professors who teach them to stop apologizing, writes Jeffrey Pomerantz.

An Appointment to Reject

Cary Nelson writes that the chancellor of the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign did the right thing in blocking a faculty appointment for Steven Salaita.

Fighting the Twitter Police

The way the U. of Illinois blocked Steven Salaita from taking a position there is a clear violation of academic freedom, writes John K. Wilson.

Save the Humanities / Keep Business Schools

Those committed to the humanities won't advance their cause by attacking other parts of higher education, writes Sylvia Maxfield.

Talking Heads at the Dinner Party

A scholar's analysis of the rhetoric of successful public intellectuals focuses on their style. Scott McLemee wonders about their substance.