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CHIPS Act is Win for Combatting Sexual Harassment

One of many reasons to celebrate the CHIPS and Science Act is the inclusion of provisions that address sexual and sex-based harassment in science, Katherine Jordan writes.

Stop Taking Grants Students Have Earned

Colleges need to stop treating student success at winning private scholarships as just another windfall, writes Nadja Jepsen.

The Packaging Is the Problem

Higher education's products remain in demand, but our packaging is the problem, Anthony R. Wheeler writes.


Scott McLemee reviews J. Michael Martinez’s Libertines: American Political Sex Scandals From Alexander Hamilton to Donald Trump.

Reimagining Student Affairs

​The challenges facing students and institutions call for a holistic approach that centers student success, well-being and belonging, Mary Dana Hinton writes.

Conferencing Critically in a COVID-19 World

Remote or hybrid conferences solve a lot of problems but bring other downsides that are underdiscussed, Nolan Higdon and Allison Butler write.

The Great Resignation… or the Great Surrender?

With higher ed facing so many steep challenges, it’s not the time to quit, Bob Massa and Bill Conley write.

What Is the College Board Saying?

Jim Jump asks, is not releasing racial data on AP scores really “streamlined reporting”?